The Great Depression

The Great Depression and the Rural South (1929 – 1939)

The Great Depression and the Rural South (1929 ...

The Great Depression was a severe, decade-long worldwide economic downturn that profoundly impacted millions across the globe but was particularly severe in the American South. Many people believe the Depression...

The Great Depression and the Rural South (1929 ...

The Great Depression was a severe, decade-long worldwide economic downturn that profoundly impacted millions across the globe but was particularly severe in the American South. Many people believe the Depression...

Plowshares and Mule Power: A Southern Agricultural Revolution

Plowshares and Mule Power: A Southern Agricultu...

In 1925, mules were the most widely used draft animal in use on Southern farms, surpassing the horse as a plow animal. Farmers highly valued these hard-working creatures, which are...

Plowshares and Mule Power: A Southern Agricultu...

In 1925, mules were the most widely used draft animal in use on Southern farms, surpassing the horse as a plow animal. Farmers highly valued these hard-working creatures, which are...

Home Canning During the Great Depression

Home Canning During the Great Depression

Necessity, Innovation, and Resilience The Great Depression, beginning in the fall of 1929 with the crash of the stock market and lasting until the late 1930s, was a time of...

Home Canning During the Great Depression

Necessity, Innovation, and Resilience The Great Depression, beginning in the fall of 1929 with the crash of the stock market and lasting until the late 1930s, was a time of...